Maternity units are being overstretched as NHS trusts fail to fill vacant midwifery posts, Tory health spokesman Andrew Lansley has claimed.
Almost 600 jobs in 85 units across England are unfilled, according to data obtained by the Conservative Party under the Freedom of Information Act.
But the Government disputed the figures, saying the number of midwives had passed 25,000 for the first time under Labour and that 1,000 more would be recruited by September 2009.
The Tories said there were 583 full-time equivalent posts available – 5% of the total number of jobs for midwives in these trusts. Some units had vacancy rates above 20%, with the highest being 39%.
The party contacted all 227 maternity units in England and had an overall response rate of 69%.
A total of 35 units questioned said there were cuts to midwife numbers between 2007/08 and 2008/09. The highest fall was at the Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust in the Midlands which had a 54% cut, according to the Tories.
Shadow health secretary, Andrew Lansley, said: “These figures make a mockery of the Government’s promise of 1,000 more midwives by 2009. They need to look at this problem urgently and take action to get plans to increase midwife numbers back on track.”
However, health minister Ann Keen insisted there had been a rise in the total number of midwives.
She said: “Claims that midwife numbers are falling are complete and utter nonsense. Validated figures from the latest NHS workforce census show the number of (full-time equivalent) midwives has surpassed 25,000 for the first time.
“Furthermore, the latest validated figures from the NHS Vacancy Survey show vacancy rates for hard-to-fill midwife posts – those unfilled for three months or more – was only 0.8%.”