More than one in four NHS trusts are failing to meet Government standards on hygiene, a health watchdog has said.
A total of 103 NHS trusts out of 391 across England are unable to meet one or more aspects of the hygiene code.
They include 41 acute hospital trusts, 57 primary care trusts (PCTs), one ambulance trust and four mental health trusts.
The code is aimed at tackling hospital infections such as MRSA and Clostridium difficile (C diff) and covers issues such as decontaminating surgical equipment, cleaning wards and providing information to patients.
The Healthcare Commission issued a public warning over the failures, saying trusts have 10 months to improve before a new regulator comes into force.
The new Care Quality Commission will require trusts to show they are compliant with regulations on hygiene. Those that fall short are likely face having… Read the full story